Success Stories
August 2, 2024

OTT Success: PureCars Delivers Outstanding Results for VW Dealership

The Situation

A tech-savvy Volkswagen dealership in the Denver area sought to break away from traditional marketing strategies and explore the potential of Over-the-Top (OTT) media. Their goal was to extend their digital reach and engage with a broader audience. However, navigating this new marketing landscape required expertise and strategic guidance to optimize their advertising investments effectively.

The Solution

To achieve their ambitious goals, the dealership partnered with PureCars, the leader in automotive digital advertising and a trusted Amazon partner. PureCars' proficiency in maintaining cohesive and consistent messaging across all digital channels made them the ideal partner for this initiative.

Within just 60 days of launching their targeted OTT campaigns, the dealership saw remarkable results. PureCars' strategic approach led to substantial growth in key performance metrics, demonstrating the effectiveness of their digital advertising solutions.

The Results

The data speaks for itself. When comparing the 60-day period after campaign launch to the previous 60 days, the dealership experienced significant improvements across several key metrics:

  • 84% Increase in Sessions: More users visited the dealership's website, indicating heightened interest and engagement.
  • 92% Increase in Website Users: The number of unique visitors surged, reflecting broader reach and visibility.
  • 137% Increase in VDP Views: Shoppers showed more interest in Vehicle Detail Pages, a critical step in the car-buying journey.
  • 8% Increase in Average Time on Page: Visitors spent more time exploring the content, suggesting deeper engagement with the dealership's offerings.
  • 28% Increase in Conversions: More visitors took desired actions, translating to higher sales and leads.


This case study showcases the transformative impact of utilizing OTT media and collaborating with a specialist like PureCars. This dealership's success story serves as a testament to the power of strategic digital advertising in driving tangible results. If you're looking to elevate your dealership's digital presence and achieve outstanding outcomes, PureCars is your go-to partner.

Stay ahead of the curve and unlock the full potential of your digital advertising investments with PureCars.

Ready to see similar results for your dealership? Contact PureCars today to learn how we can help you achieve your marketing goals.

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