July 23, 2024

Outperform Your Competition With Performance Max : Webinar Overview & Key Takeways

In a recent webinar, "Outperform Your Competition With Performance Max," industry experts from PureCars and Google explored the intricacies of leveraging Performance Max (pMax) to enhance advertising campaigns and outperform competitors. This blog post recaps the key highlights and insights shared during the session, focusing on the pMax product overview, the advantages of vehicle feeds, strategies for setting up successful campaigns, and a case study demonstrating the real-world application and success of these strategies.

PMax Product Overview

The webinar kicked off with an overview of Performance Max, a powerful tool designed to maximize performance across Google Ads inventory using automation. It was emphasized that automation is transforming the industry by driving better performance during the increasingly complex consumer journey. Dealerships capable of delivering relevant content to consumers at various stages of the purchase journey have reported revenue increases of up to 20%. Additionally, those utilizing Machine Learning (ML)-based technologies with active human supervision can boost campaign performance by an extra 15%.

One of the key takeaways was the importance of being budget-agile. Dealers who frequently adjust budgets across digital channels and foster greater collaboration within their teams can leverage the full benefits of automation, leading to better business outcomes. Performance Max supports this agility by helping marketers maximize ROI and uncover new growth opportunities.

PMax Vehicle Feeds: A Game-Changer for Car Dealers

The session then highlighted how Performance Max with vehicle feeds can significantly benefit dealerships. This feature helps dealers reach car shoppers throughout their research and car-buying journey online. Utilizing Google’s AI, Performance Max with vehicle feeds drives results in three key ways:

  • Multiplying Customer Connections: By finding new customers across all Google channels and inventory.
  • Multiplying Conversions and Conversion Value: By optimizing for the highest-ROI conversion opportunities.
  • Multiplying Expertise: By providing insights to help answer strategic business questions.

Setting Up Your Campaign for Success

The webinar also offered practical guidance on setting up Performance Max campaigns to align with marketing and budget objectives. While it is best practice to create a single campaign for your business, running multiple campaigns within the same account is also feasible. Google’s AI will prioritize the most relevant ad to deliver the best value to the dealer.

Key strategies discussed included:

  • Connecting Offline Customer Data: Integrating offline customer data, such as leads that resulted in a sale, back into your campaigns can significantly improve lead quality. A robust measurement strategy is crucial, as better measurement and data lead to higher quality bids and ultimately higher quality leads.
  • Introducing Audience Signals: Audience signals allow you to inform Google about which segments of users are more likely to convert. While adding audience signals is optional, it provides Performance Max with valuable optimization signals to enhance machine learning ramp-up. Google may also reach shoppers beyond the selected signals if it predicts that doing so will help achieve campaign goals.

PMax Case Study

A notable case study shared during the webinar illustrated the real-world application and success of Performance Max. An auto group with nine stores (GMC, Chevy, Honda, VW, and Cadillac) in Colorado and Florida aimed to stay ahead of competitors by targeting shoppers at every stage of the buying journey. Despite running successful Paid Search campaigns, they needed a strategy to reach the right audiences at the right time. Partnering with PureCars, the group implemented Performance Max campaigns to enhance their marketing efforts. This allowed for granular targeting based on audience behavior and signals, consistent messaging across all channels, and complemented their Paid Search efforts. As a result, they experienced increased customer connections, higher conversion rates and conversion value, and enhanced campaign insights leading to better strategic decisions.


The "Outperform Your Competition With Performance Max" webinar provided valuable insights into the capabilities of Performance Max and its vehicle feeds. By leveraging automation, AI, and strategic audience insights, advertisers can significantly enhance their campaign performance and achieve their marketing goals. Whether you are new to Performance Max or looking to optimize your existing campaigns, these strategies and tips offer a solid foundation for success.


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