September 7, 2023

Uncover Anonymous Traffic with PURE Identity

Introducing a revolutionary enhancement to the AutoMiner Customer Data Platform: PURE Identity. In the dynamic realm of automotive sales and service, understanding and engaging with anonymous website traffic has remained a challenge – until now. With the addition of PURE Identity, dealers can unveil the identities of these elusive visitors, transforming obscured data into actionable insights.

Identify More Of Your Audience And Engage Them With Multi-Channel Marketing Campaigns Using PURE Identity.

The average shopper owns 3.2 devices, and their digital journey is fragmented across both devices and channels. In today’s privacy-focused world, it’s essential to connect the dots and identify as many intent-based signals as possible to maximize your cross-channel marketing efforts.

PURE Identity empowers dealerships to personalize their marketing endeavors with unprecedented precision. By harnessing the power of PURE Identity within the AutoMiner CDP, dealers can navigate the digital landscape with a distinct advantage, forging meaningful connections with potential customers and propelling growth without them having to submit a lead on your website. The result is better customer engagement through highly relevant and personalized messages that ultimately drive conversions across your profit centers.

PURE Identity Enables Dealers To:

  • Identify, enrich and segment anonymous website visitors by linking known-users to their unknown devices and creating a unified customer profile
  • Build unique audiences for endless sales and fixed ops marketing campaigns, based on specific goals
  • Activate cross-channel marketing to reach likely buyers with intent-based marketing campaigns, including 1:1 messaging from the AutoMiner
  • Identify anonymous web traffic, generate long-lasting retargeting audiences, and send audience data to ad accounts resulting in increased retargeting performance and lower ad costs
Are you looking to capitalize on the roughly 95% of your website traffic that isn’t submitting a lead? Schedule a demo with one of our product experts to learn how you can implement PURE Identity today.

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